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Be the Same Person in Private as You Are in Public

Season 2022, episode 61
4 min / Published

Today's Battle Drill Devotional: Be the Same Person in Private as You Are in Public

This week, following Mothers’ Day, we are considering the character of the Woman of Valour described in Proverbs 31. Her values are ones we should all cultivate in our lives, with God’s help.


Read Proverbs 31:10-31. Whether you are a mother or even a woman or not, how do you feel when you read these words? Daunted? As if you have been confronted by an overwhelming ideal? Who on earth can live up to that job description? you might be thinking.


Who makes their own clothes, gets up in the middle of the night to ensure everyone else is ready for the day, takes care of family business, works into the night, gives to those in need, is always strong and dignified, is always ready with a wise word, but can also relax and laugh a little, without taking yourself too seriously, only to collapse on to the sofa each day to be appreciated by your husband and children (or wife, family or friends)? You would be forgiven for giving a nervous laugh and thinking, no way!


But these words are a poem. They are not meant to be taken literally. This is a complete picture of what wisdom looks like, a culmination of the preceding thirty chapters on that subject. What it tells us is how we should do the things we do, not what we should do. It is about our character, not about our deeds.


If we are wise, we will do the things we do with integrity. There will be no difference between what we do in public and what we do in private. Then, people will be able to trust us. This is most proven in how we handle other people’s stuff – their money, their possessions, even their ministry. If we’re honest with other people’s money, if we look after their possessions well and if we work diligently under the authority of others, then we will show integrity and people will trust us.



Think about the following:

How does God test your integrity? Do people trust you?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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