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Be Wise: Let God be God

Season 2022, episode 8
2 min / Published

One of the lessons I am continuing to learn in life is: God is God, and I am not.

The problem is, of course, like most people, I want to retain control of my life. I want to be God of my life, even if I am not always honest enough to put it in those terms. But I want to be God in my relationships. I want to be God and have control over my money. I want to be God when it comes to deciding whether I am frustrated with someone, or resentful or wanting to hold a grudge. I want to have a control.

Wisdom begins when we accept we are not God. God is. Realising that God is God is what the writer of Proverbs calls, “Fear of the Lord.” Wise people are humble, which means recognising they are not God. They remain teachable, willing to learn anything from anyone, whether it’s in relationships, finance, career, conflict and any other life challenges you can think of.

Maybe the best thing we can all do today is simply repeat the mantra in our heads: God is God, and I am not. God is God, and I am not. Try it!


Think about the following:

•Do you think remembering that God is God, and you are not might reduce the stress in your life?

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