Better than chocolate | Heaven will be intoxicatingly delightful.
What the Ascension of Jesus Christ tells us of what awaits us.
Within the context of our "Come to the Table" series, I invite you to join me and spend time on an overlooked but essential event in the Christian liturgical calendar today, tucked between Easter and Pentecost. Ascension has become one of my most cherished treasures, because it speaks of a hope that is certain, and a future that is glorious. First, Ascension means that a human body is present in the Throne Room of God right now – that is Jesus Christ today. His incarnation made Jesus a member of humanity; His Ascension made His membership permanent. I cannot wrap my head around this, but one thing I can do is fall on my face to worship in awe and wonder.
The corollary to Ascension, Pentecost, means that the Spirit of God is present in human flesh right now – that is you and me today. Ascension and Pentecost tell us that Christ reconciles God to man in His own body. He declares at Pentecost our ultimate reality: “on earth as it is in heaven!” He declares at Ascension the corollary, “in heaven as it is on earth!” Just as He was God on earth, He is now human in heaven. Just as He prayed as God on earth for us, He prays now as our Great High Priest in heaven for us. Ascension and Pentecost are Jacob’s ladder, a two-way relationship of body and spirit, earth and heaven, reconciled in One.
Upon His ascension, Jesus, in His glorified human body, received from the Father the Holy Spirit, whom He sent to us to inhabit our own not-yet-glorified bodies. Heaven will be intoxicatingly delightful. So unbearable for our current bodies, in fact, that we will be given brand new, glorified bodies – like Christ’s – so that we can withstand the intensity of delight and pleasure that awaits us. Our heavenly bodies will be like a chocolate masterpiece to our current cocoa-pod bodies: similar, but unimaginably more glorious. From starter seed to perfected fruit. We have yet to experience heavenly chocolate, so we struggle to see its connection to our humble cocoa pod-like current body. It is ultimately a matter of time. We are the “body of Christ” – it means in some real way we are in the Throne Room with Him already. It is ultimately a matter of space. Good thing heaven is beyond time and space.
Jesus described His ascension to Mary Magdalene as His going “to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.” (John 20:17). This is astounding. Jesus is irreversibly identifying with us: His Father is our Father; His God is our God. It means, in essence, that He represents God to man, and man to God: this is the role of the Great High Priest. Had Jesus not ascended to heaven, he could not officiate as our Great High Priest right now, fulfilling at least three primary missions for the church age: interceding for us, teaching us to pray, and making things above real for us. Let’s unpack, seeking continually the things that are above.
First, Jesus is interceding for you right now. In John 17, considered by many as the “Holy of Holies” of the New Testament, He gives us a glimpse into His current prayer on our behalf. If you want to know how Jesus is praying for you right now, read John 17 again. And again. Jesus prays that we be one with Him as He is one with the Father. Unity with Christ means unity of purpose and life – living like He lives, praying like He prays and, one day, ascending like He ascended.
His present intercession provides the continued effectiveness of His redemptive mission. He maintains His victory by the word of His mouth – in prayer to the Father even now. He bears forth into each one of us, members of His body, the deliverance He accomplished on the cross. He manifests the victory He obtained. His unceasing intercession gives our prayers a power we never had before. Which means, secondly, that Jesus teaches us to pray. He speaks through our prayers; we become the vessels to speak on earth His intercession in heaven, by the Holy Spirit. In Him we join the never-ceasing, never-failing prayer-conversation constantly weaving before the Father. In other words, what He prays passes through us, and what we pray passes through Him. Mind-boggling.
And thirdly, He makes it all real to us in experience. His birth, life, death, and resurrection secured our destiny and effected our reconciliation with God. And now He wields His limitless intercessory power to make this reconciliation real and personal to each one of us, members of His body. He is the head, we the body: which means we cannot be separated from Him, since death is abolished. Ascension teaches this: Where He goes, we go; where He is, we are; that is heaven. Pentecost teaches this: where we go, He goes; where we are, He is: on earth, as it is in heaven.
Just as Acts 1:6-11 describes Ascension from Earth’s perspective, Daniel 7:13-14 describes it from Heaven’s perspective: “Behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.” Jesus is this Son of Man, and He is now back in the Throne Room, as the reference to the cloud makes clear. “To him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him.” Daniel describes what Jesus is doing right now, then ends with the future that awaits us: “his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.” Jesus, the Son of Man who identifies with humanity in His divinity, has carved a trajectory from the Incarnation to the Ascension that leads to His glory and our destiny in Him. No wonder “Son of Man” was one of Jesus’ favorite titles for Himself.
Speaking of what awaits us, let us keep on seeking the things that are above. Each year on Yom Kippur, the Great High Priest would atone for his people and, upon leaving the Holy of Holies to reenter the world, he would bring out with him a blessing for his people. Jesus will come back the same way He left, once His John 17 work of intercession in the Throne Room is accomplished. And He will bring out with Him at least three blessings.
The first blessing is ours already: His Holy Spirit becomes ours and brings spiritual gifts of His own, which Paul links directly to Ascension (see Ephesians 4:8-10).
Second, Jesus inaugurated a reign that had never been exercised thus before. We are coheirs with Him, training today for reigning tomorrow in the dominion of His Kingdom. Because human flesh sits enthroned in heaven, we will reign with Him.
Thirdly, a wedding feast awaits us. The covenantal words Jesus shares on that final night are the verbatim words of a Jewish bridegroom to his bride during a traditional betrothal ceremony. “I am preparing a place for you, and I will come back so that you may be where I am.” (John 14:1-4). Jesus is the Bridegroom poised to come back to fetch His bride, bringing heaven to earth for her. We the bride, the church universal, His body, are feast-bound. No wonder heaven will be intoxicatingly delightful. In French, my native tongue, the word “delight” is délice. But wait; this word délice means something else, too: it means “delicious.” In French, there is no difference between delight and deliciousness. While it might explain much of our French hedonism, it tells me this, too: God is both delightful and delicious. This will make the wedding feast of heaven the climax of delicious delightfulness.
Until then, Jesus invites us to speak His words of intercession from heaven to earth. That, indeed, is the glory of Ascension this side of creation. You can’t pray in His name unless you live in His name, too. Ascension and Pentecost together tell us it is now possible: we no longer live, but Christ lives in us. Saint Augustine would agree. He capped his Ascension homily thus: “While in heaven Christ is also with us; and we while on earth are with him. He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love. We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity, but in him, we can be there by love.” Indeed, and Amen."
Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store
We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.
Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog
Identity in the battle | Ephesians
Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience
Shades of Red | Against human oppression
God's glory, our delight
Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil.
Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways:
1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too!
2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app;
and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today!
Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil.
Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways:
1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too!
2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app;
and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today!
Within the context of our "Come to the Table" series, I invite you to join me and spend time on an overlooked but essential event in the Christian liturgical calendar today, tucked between Easter and Pentecost. Ascension has become one of my most cherished treasures, because it speaks of a hope that is certain, and a future that is glorious. First, Ascension means that a human body is present in the Throne Room of God right now – that is Jesus Christ today. His incarnation made Jesus a member of humanity; His Ascension made His membership permanent. I cannot wrap my head around this, but one thing I can do is fall on my face to worship in awe and wonder.
The corollary to Ascension, Pentecost, means that the Spirit of God is present in human flesh right now – that is you and me today. Ascension and Pentecost tell us that Christ reconciles God to man in His own body. He declares at Pentecost our ultimate reality: “on earth as it is in heaven!” He declares at Ascension the corollary, “in heaven as it is on earth!” Just as He was God on earth, He is now human in heaven. Just as He prayed as God on earth for us, He prays now as our Great High Priest in heaven for us. Ascension and Pentecost are Jacob’s ladder, a two-way relationship of body and spirit, earth and heaven, reconciled in One.
Upon His ascension, Jesus, in His glorified human body, received from the Father the Holy Spirit, whom He sent to us to inhabit our own not-yet-glorified bodies. Heaven will be intoxicatingly delightful. So unbearable for our current bodies, in fact, that we will be given brand new, glorified bodies – like Christ’s – so that we can withstand the intensity of delight and pleasure that awaits us. Our heavenly bodies will be like a chocolate masterpiece to our current cocoa-pod bodies: similar, but unimaginably more glorious. From starter seed to perfected fruit. We have yet to experience heavenly chocolate, so we struggle to see its connection to our humble cocoa pod-like current body. It is ultimately a matter of time. We are the “body of Christ” – it means in some real way we are in the Throne Room with Him already. It is ultimately a matter of space. Good thing heaven is beyond time and space.
Jesus described His ascension to Mary Magdalene as His going “to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God.” (John 20:17). This is astounding. Jesus is irreversibly identifying with us: His Father is our Father; His God is our God. It means, in essence, that He represents God to man, and man to God: this is the role of the Great High Priest. Had Jesus not ascended to heaven, he could not officiate as our Great High Priest right now, fulfilling at least three primary missions for the church age: interceding for us, teaching us to pray, and making things above real for us. Let’s unpack, seeking continually the things that are above.
First, Jesus is interceding for you right now. In John 17, considered by many as the “Holy of Holies” of the New Testament, He gives us a glimpse into His current prayer on our behalf. If you want to know how Jesus is praying for you right now, read John 17 again. And again. Jesus prays that we be one with Him as He is one with the Father. Unity with Christ means unity of purpose and life – living like He lives, praying like He prays and, one day, ascending like He ascended.
His present intercession provides the continued effectiveness of His redemptive mission. He maintains His victory by the word of His mouth – in prayer to the Father even now. He bears forth into each one of us, members of His body, the deliverance He accomplished on the cross. He manifests the victory He obtained. His unceasing intercession gives our prayers a power we never had before. Which means, secondly, that Jesus teaches us to pray. He speaks through our prayers; we become the vessels to speak on earth His intercession in heaven, by the Holy Spirit. In Him we join the never-ceasing, never-failing prayer-conversation constantly weaving before the Father. In other words, what He prays passes through us, and what we pray passes through Him. Mind-boggling.
And thirdly, He makes it all real to us in experience. His birth, life, death, and resurrection secured our destiny and effected our reconciliation with God. And now He wields His limitless intercessory power to make this reconciliation real and personal to each one of us, members of His body. He is the head, we the body: which means we cannot be separated from Him, since death is abolished. Ascension teaches this: Where He goes, we go; where He is, we are; that is heaven. Pentecost teaches this: where we go, He goes; where we are, He is: on earth, as it is in heaven.
Just as Acts 1:6-11 describes Ascension from Earth’s perspective, Daniel 7:13-14 describes it from Heaven’s perspective: “Behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.” Jesus is this Son of Man, and He is now back in the Throne Room, as the reference to the cloud makes clear. “To him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him.” Daniel describes what Jesus is doing right now, then ends with the future that awaits us: “his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.” Jesus, the Son of Man who identifies with humanity in His divinity, has carved a trajectory from the Incarnation to the Ascension that leads to His glory and our destiny in Him. No wonder “Son of Man” was one of Jesus’ favorite titles for Himself.
Speaking of what awaits us, let us keep on seeking the things that are above. Each year on Yom Kippur, the Great High Priest would atone for his people and, upon leaving the Holy of Holies to reenter the world, he would bring out with him a blessing for his people. Jesus will come back the same way He left, once His John 17 work of intercession in the Throne Room is accomplished. And He will bring out with Him at least three blessings.
The first blessing is ours already: His Holy Spirit becomes ours and brings spiritual gifts of His own, which Paul links directly to Ascension (see Ephesians 4:8-10).
Second, Jesus inaugurated a reign that had never been exercised thus before. We are coheirs with Him, training today for reigning tomorrow in the dominion of His Kingdom. Because human flesh sits enthroned in heaven, we will reign with Him.
Thirdly, a wedding feast awaits us. The covenantal words Jesus shares on that final night are the verbatim words of a Jewish bridegroom to his bride during a traditional betrothal ceremony. “I am preparing a place for you, and I will come back so that you may be where I am.” (John 14:1-4). Jesus is the Bridegroom poised to come back to fetch His bride, bringing heaven to earth for her. We the bride, the church universal, His body, are feast-bound. No wonder heaven will be intoxicatingly delightful. In French, my native tongue, the word “delight” is délice. But wait; this word délice means something else, too: it means “delicious.” In French, there is no difference between delight and deliciousness. While it might explain much of our French hedonism, it tells me this, too: God is both delightful and delicious. This will make the wedding feast of heaven the climax of delicious delightfulness.
Until then, Jesus invites us to speak His words of intercession from heaven to earth. That, indeed, is the glory of Ascension this side of creation. You can’t pray in His name unless you live in His name, too. Ascension and Pentecost together tell us it is now possible: we no longer live, but Christ lives in us. Saint Augustine would agree. He capped his Ascension homily thus: “While in heaven Christ is also with us; and we while on earth are with him. He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love. We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity, but in him, we can be there by love.” Indeed, and Amen."
Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store
We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.
Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog
Identity in the battle | Ephesians
Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience
Shades of Red | Against human oppression
God's glory, our delight
Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil.
Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways:
1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too!
2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app;
and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today!
Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil.
Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways:
1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too!
2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app;
and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today!
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