Beyond ego and money - HJ Barraza, Collective Academy
Collective Academy offers a Masters degree in Business & Technology to everyone from Guerrilla fighters in Colombia, to refugees in Mexico City.
Season 1, episode 1
40 min /
It’s a very different challenge teaching entrepreneurship to immigrants that come to Mexico City than to Guerrilla fighters who grew up in the jungle, who don’t know how to read or write and only know how to count money, guns and bullets says HJ as he explains what Collective Academy sets out to achieve.
It’s a very different challenge teaching entrepreneurship to immigrants that come to Mexico City than to Guerrilla fighters who grew up in the jungle, who don’t know how to read or write and only know how to count money, guns and bullets says HJ as he explains what Collective Academy sets out to achieve.
- paris
- entrepreneur
- onlinelearning
- holdtight
- stationf
- collectiveacademy

Previous episode
From Silicon to Social Valley - Tom Wilscam, Venture Académie
This one is for you if you want to learn about the value of working in a company that provides social impact
Next episode
Scaling on Word of Mouth - Paul Le, La Belle Vie (CEO and Founder)
If you are not prepared to suffer, just give up !

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