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Could That Be It? AJ & McCall Show

AJ & McCall Show 10-12-21

57 min / Published

Oh boy that surprise weather. Good thing we don't need updates for the roads until November 1st! Which is worse, being lost at sea or dealing with the pandemic? McCall can't stand cold for Halloween because it ruins costumes. Nilla Wafers really rocked AJ & McCall's world yesterday, but why are so many things called wafers?! How would the 'Am I a Jerk?' court rule if you drop the ban hammer on your own mother? Also, why do people ask things they'd hate to have asked of them for the Debate At 8? Let's make sure that everyone is safe and doesn't do anymore of these silly things to prove their toughness.

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This episode is part of the Full Show series
AJ & McCall Show
Utah's VFX
Utah's Hottest Music!
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