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Season 2, episode 1157
1 hr / Published
By Dhectar

dave_baker_hot_house_hou1. I'm Gonna Get You (Jess Bays Extended Remix) - Angie Brown [Armada Music]
2. Hypnotize (Mattei & Omich Remix) - Jay Vegas [Hot Stuff]
3. Get Bossy (Extended Mix) - Us Two feat. MariaDennis [DFTD]
4. Addicted To Your Touch (Original Mix) - Pig Snatchers & M-Staffs [Toolbox House] 
5. I Don't Know (Original Mix) - leon benesty, DiVine [Oneless Records]
6. Harlem Jam  (Original Mix) - James Haskell [Flashmob Records] 
7. Ooh Yeah! (Extended Mix) - Tom & Jame [Be Yourself Music] 
8. I Cant Help It (Extended Mix) - Funkerman & Sem [Altra Moda] 
9. Waiting 4 You (Extended Mix) - Ben Remember [Toolroom]
10. Find My Flow (Extended Mix) - Ekonovah [hau5trap]
11. Hypnotize (Extended Mix) - AIMMIA [Easier Said]
12. Switch (Extended Mix) - Divolly & Markward [Unlimited Fuego] 
13. Control  (Original Mix) - James Haskell [Flashmob Records] 
14. Powder In The Nose (Extended Mix) - Arthur Baker, James Hurr [Toolroom Trax]
15. Funk Phenomena - Cloverdale [White Label] 
16. Believe in the Music - Cloverdale [White Label]rs_198

Pour nous contacter, une seule adresse : contact@dhectar.fr

This episode is part of the Dj International series
A podcast by Dhectar
Tous les Podcast du Dhectar réunis au même endroit

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