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David Copperfield - Chapters 56-57

The New Wound and the Old

Season 7, episode 54
53 min / Published

The corpse that has washed ashore with the long curly hair is none other than James Steerforth’s. Presently, the Yarmouth locals bear the corpse to a nearby house and there they lay it. David removes it to the inn, however, sensing that the locals still bear Steerforth a grudge.

Anxious to transport the corpse to Highgate and to Mrs. Steerforth and to avoid the scrutiny of the locals, David contacts Joram, who will provide the hearse, and decides to leave that very night instead of waiting for daylight. To David’s surprise and chagrin, many Yarmouth locals witness the scene, as David and Joram depart for Highgate.

Show notes

The corpse that has washed ashore with the long curly hair is none other than James Steerforth’s. Presently, the Yarmouth locals bear the corpse to a nearby house and there they lay it. David removes it to the inn, however, sensing that the locals still bear Steerforth a grudge.

Anxious to transport the corpse to Highgate and to Mrs. Steerforth and to avoid the scrutiny of the locals, David contacts Joram, who will provide the hearse, and decides to leave that very night instead of waiting for daylight. To David’s surprise and chagrin, many Yarmouth locals witness the scene, as David and Joram depart for Highgate.

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This episode is part of the David Copperfield series
Charles Dickens classic tale about the life and times our our eponymous hero.
Mark Reads A Quite Good Book
A podcast by Mark Cartwright
Serialised readings of novels from both Independent and well known authors
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