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Do Not be Afraid No Matter What You Are Facing

Season 2023, episode 89
5 min / Published

Read Psalm 23:1-6. What are you worried about today? The cost of living crisis? Your health? The backlog and delays in the National Health Service? Your next energy bill? Your future?

Whatever it is that you fear, God promises to walk beside you as you face up to it.

On Easter Sunday at Maidenhead Corps we focused on the words of the angel, sitting on top of the stone rolled away from Jesus’ tomb. He told the women who had come to tend to Jesus’ body, “Don’t be afraid!” (Matthew 28:5). He was echoing a refrain that comes throughout both the Old and New Testaments: Don’t be afraid! In fact, there are 365 “Do Not be Afraids” in the Bible, one to remind us every day of the year!

We fear we are on the losing side. Whilst we might overcome pain, depression, disease, and injury in our lives, we know we cannot escape death. It will have the final word.

Except, that because of Jesus, it won’t! God has shown his grace and mercy by sacrificing Jesus on the cross for everything we have and will ever do wrong. God has the final victory! Death is defeated.

So, the next time something bad happens to you, remember the ultimate Victor walks beside you. He is close beside you and will protect and comfort you. Don’t be afraid!

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        Why do you think God is so keen for us to get that we should not be afraid?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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