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God Calls Us to Rest

Season 2022, episode 83
8 min / Published

Today's Battle Drill Devotional: God Calls Us to Rest


And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. (Genesis 2:3)


Read Genesis 1:1-2:3. Are you overworked? Are you physically exhausted? Harried? Worrying? Addicted to your technology and machines? Sabbath calls us to replace these things with rest.


So, what do we do instead? The answer is very simple: things that delight and replenish you. Because I am preaching and working on Sundays, Saturday is my Sabbath. On a good Sabbath I nap, go for walks, read a novel, watch a film, or go out for a meal. I try to avoid my computer and leave my mobile phone alone.


I also try to ensure that any household tasks and errands are done on another day of the week. Paying bills, cleaning the house, and shopping do not delight and replenish me! Sabbath is a call to stop work and to rest and delight in God, it is not simply a day off.


When we stop and rest in this way, we respect the image of God in us. We are not nonstop Duracell bunnies. Observing Sabbath will help you become a human being rather than merely a human doing!



Think about the following:

What sort of activities delight and replenish you? How could you build them into a Sabbath?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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