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God Equips the Called

Season 2021, episode 125
4 min / Published

Today's #BattleDrill devotional: Jesus has chosen and called you for a life purpose. But he doesn’t wait until you say “yes” before he equips you for it. #salvationarmy #basingstoke #devotional

Read Mark 3:13-19.

God did not create you without a purpose. He knew what he was choosing for you and calling you to do before he created you. God’s calling on your life is to fulfil that life purpose. We were not meant to be spectators. We’re not here just to breathe in the air and use up resources!

Jesus has chosen and called you to work, just as he did his first disciples. As you look at the abilities, talents and skills God has given you, as you sense the passion he has laid on your heart, as you discover the spiritual gifts he has given you, you can begin to discover what your life purpose is.

It might be a job. It might be a career. It might be to serve your family. It might be to help your community. But whatever your abilities, talents, skills, passions and spiritual gifts are pointing to, that’s God’s purpose for your life.

And the best thing you can do is to fulfil it! Life is too short to do anything else! If you have not yet answered Jesus’ call, if you are not doing what you have been chosen for, then ask God to open doors to allow you to do it. Don’t waste another minute doing something Jesus has not chosen or called you for.

Think about the following:
oWhat do you think God has chosen you for? Do you need to make changes to do it more effectively?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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