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God Knows Everything About You, and He Loves You

Season 2022, episode 101
5 min / Published

Today's Battle Drill Devotional: God Knows Everything About You, and He Loves You


O Lord, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me. (Psalm 139:1)


This week we are reminded our God is an all-knowing God, and that’s good news! It means we can call on him whenever we need direction and hope.


Read Psalm 139:1-24. God knows everything about you. Everything! Does that fill you with fear or fill you with hope?


The psalmist tells us that God knows everything we do: when we sit down, when we stand up and when we lie down. When we’re travelling and when we’re at home resting. Even when we are thinking! And not only does he know what we are doing, he is able to understand and evaluate our motives behind what we are doing, much better than we can ever do ourselves.


There is a sense of impending judgment in these words as God “examines” us. But the general spirit of the psalm is one of trust rather than fear. The psalmist finds God’s all-pervasive knowledge comforting as well as demanding. It is precisely because God is all-knowing that the psalmist has a profound sense that God loves him and is in a deep, personal relationship with him.


God knows your faults and your failures. He knows your feelings and your frustrations. You don’t have to pretend to him. You can leave them all with God because he loves you. Now that’s good news, isn’t it?



Think about the following:

God knows you in every possible way. Is that good or bad news to you? Why?


There's a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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