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God Wants You to be Free

Season 2023, episode 14
3 min / Published

Read John 10:1-10. Many people mistakenly believe that being a Christian is full of restrictions. That it’s all about following the rules and a long list of “don’ts”.

But that cannot be further from the truth. Jesus said, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” (John 10:10 MSG). God wants us to live in freedom.

He wants you to be free from your past. Many of us are locked down by regret about something we did or didn’t do in the past. We are wracked by guilt. Others resent something that was done to them. They allow bitterness to continue to eat away at them. It keeps us from the freedom God longs for us.

God wants us to be free from the stress and exhaustion we face from trying to control our every day lives. If only we hand over the complexities of modern life over to God and allow him to take control, we would find the freedom we crave.

And God wants us to be free of the worries we have for tomorrow.

The best thing we can do is to let go of all of those and grab hold of God instead, the One who offers us true freedom and a more and better life than we’ve ever dreamed of.


Think about the following:

  • How can you plug into the freedom God longs for you to experience?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
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