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Happy People Can Have Boundless Hope

Season 2021, episode 176
7 min / Published

Read Jeremiah 29:1-23. Do you have a plan for your life? Or are you just drifting along, wandering around aimlessly and wondering what to do next?

God’s people had been exiled into slavery in Babylon. Their plan was to sit it out until their fortunes changed. But God had others plans! He stirred them to move ahead. He gave them a purpose whilst they were in Babylon. And he promised to be with them all the way.

God has a plan for you too. It is a plan for good. It is a plan for the future and full of boundless hope. If you allow him to direct your agenda, he will go with you as you seek to fulfil his purpose for your life.

That doesn’t mean everything will be bells and roses and that we will always be spared pain, suffering and hardship. But it does mean God will see our lives through to a glorious conclusion. All praise to him!


Think about the following:

oIn what ways does God reveal his purpose for your life?

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