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Happy People Pray for All Their Political Leaders

Season 2021, episode 175
7 min / Published

Read Jeremiah 29:1-23. What do you think about your national government? What about your local civic leaders?

If you’re in the United Kingdom, or your country is anything like mine, then around half of you will love or at least tolerate your government and the other half will really dislike them!

Jeremiah wrote to God’s people who were captive in Babylon. He passed on God’s command to move ahead with their lives and pray for the pagan nation that had enslaved them. Imagine having to pray for a government you hated!

Maybe that’s where you are today. Maybe you think your government is evil and that their policies are all wrong. When we feel that way, we find it difficult to pray for those in authority. But that’s what God asks us to do. And it’s when it’s most needed. We are called to pray for all those in authority so that we live peaceful and quiet lives that are marked by godliness and dignity (1 Timothy 2:1-2).


Think about the following:

oWhat can you do to pray diligently for those in authority in your country and community?

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