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How Beautiful Heaven Must Be!

Season 2023, episode 154
6 min / Published


Have you ever thought how beautiful Heaven must be? Think of the most beautiful place you have seen on Earth. It is just a shadow of how beautiful Heaven is.


Have you ever thought how beautiful Heaven must be? Think of the most beautiful place you have seen on Earth. It is just a shadow of how beautiful Heaven is.

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be!

Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven as being like a treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great value. Why?

Because the Bible tells us that unlike the Earth, in Heaven there will be no more sickness. If you are suffering from ill health or worried about someone's health, then God promises that in Heaven you will get a new and perfect body.

The Bible tells us every one of our needs will be met in Heaven. If you are worried about how you're going to cope with the current cost-of-living crisis, then help is at hand. Reach out and find it. But greater than this help is that one day in heaven we will not want for anything.

The Bible also tells us there will be no sin in Heaven. Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and in response, whilst we are here on Earth, we try to live our lives so that we become more like him. But we are not yet perfect. One day, we will see Jesus face to face and immediately, our character will be changed to be like him.

How beautiful Heaven must be when we realise that God promises there will be no death or sadness. God cares about you and is with you through the tears and the pain you suffer in this life. But one day he will wipe them all away. And the best thing is that we will get to enjoy Heaven with God forever.

One Day We Will See Heaven Clearly

We don't yet realise how beautiful Heaven must be. But one day we will see it. Praise God!

Think It Over

Think through the following:

  • What do you find most beautiful about Heaven?

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