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How I beat anorexia - Real Talk - Recording of an interview by journalist Bay Hagebeek #028

Episode 28
25 min / Published

In this episode I share a recording of an interview conducted by journalist Bay Hagebeek - a deep talk during which we dived into topics like mental health, sexism, soul vs. ego, authenticity, why I became a coach, spirituality, eating disorders, how being egoistic can actually serve the world and how I've started to take hate on the internet less to heart. Here's the written interview Bay published after our talk: https://bayhagebeek.nl/mountain-biking-a-tool-for-mental-strength/ and this is the recording of the interview, which I've separated into chunks to make it more digestible. 

Here's a timeline: 

0:00 - Intro and topics of this episode
1:40 - How I got into mountain bike coaching
3:20 - Why did I turn anorexic and how did I beat this illness?
7:23 - How can you stay true to yourself? Soul vs. Ego 
9:15 - MTB Beginner tips - How I reduced crashing
11:32 - Tips to get into mindfulness and how it helps
13:52 - Did I visit retreats and how I ultimately healed my eating disorder
15:22 - What is mental training & how to use mental training in daily life
16:22 - Is mindset everything?
18:11 - How to make the best of our riding time to improve mental health
19:35 - How can we change our thoughts?
20:12 - How I avoid suffering to impact me negatively. My approach to spirituality and sexism.
22:26 - How being egoistic helps others in the long run 
23:24 - My view on sexism and hate on the internet 


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#mentaltraining #mtbmentalhealth #mtbpodcast #roxybike #soulvsego #beatanorexia #morewomenonbikes #metoo 

  • mountain bike coaching
  • mental training
  • mindset improvement
  • beat anorexia
  • mtb coach roxy
  • roxys mtb podcast
  • bay hagebeek
  • sexism in the cycling world
  • more women on bikes
  • mountain bike mental health
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