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How to Find Your Self-Worth in God

Season 2023, episode 92
5 min / Published

Read Mark 9:33-37. Where do you look for your self-worth? In the make of car you are driving? In the logo on your tee-shirt or trainers? In the amount of money you earn? In a relationship?

Jesus’ disciples were looking for their self-worth in their status. They were arguing over which of them was the greatest! They were consumed by ambition, pride, and even insecurity.

When we look for our self-worth in the wrong places, then obedience to God and service to others can easily be pushed aside. We can come to overvalue our position and prestige. The wrong motives are destructive.

Jesus says that our self-worth comes from service. It comes from thinking about others more than we do ourselves. It comes from using our God-given gifts, skills, talents, and abilities not for our own benefit but for the benefit of those around us.

When we do that, then our self-worth is found in our place in God’s Kingdom, and our ambition is properly directed towards advancing it rather than ourselves.

It is always painful to measure our motives against those of Jesus. That is why his disciples were so embarrassed to answer Jesus’ question about what they were discussing on the road. But each of us must examine our hearts and renounce any pride or status-seeking we might have, even our insecurity.

We are meant to serve God by serving others. Let’s find our significance in that today.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        How are you using your God-given gifts, skills, talents, and abilities to serve others?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
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