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How to Move from Your State of Despair to God’s Unfailing Love

Season 2023, episode 62
3 min / Published

Read Psalm 130:1-8. If you ever find yourself in a hole, it will likely be dark. Certainly, the hole the psalmist found himself in was - he describes it as “the depths of despair” (v.1).

When we’re in the dark and we’re afraid, we often reach out to a reassuring presence. It might be a parent, a leader, a spouse, a trusted friend. That’s true both for physical darkness and for dark times in our lives such as a mountain of debt, a relational conflict, grief, depression, or discouragement.

Because God is the Love who will never let us go, no matter what we do or where we go, we can never be far from his reassuring presence. We can reach out to him because darkness and light are the same to God. His Son is the Light of the world. We can trust him to guide and lead us as we lean into his comforting presence.

The psalmist didn’t just call out for help. He called out to God. He put his hope in the unfailing love of his Lord.

When you sense you are in darkness, the best thing you can do is turn to God’s light. He will lower your stress as you trust in him. He knows your journey and he will guide and lead you.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        How has God kept you safe during dark periods of your life?

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