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Hurt or in Pain? Remain Faithful

Season 2021, episode 134
4 min / Published

Today's #BattleDrill devotional: Have you ever been hurt or in pain, and thought to yourself (or even said), “I want my mummy!” When we are suffering all we really want to do is to be comforted by someone. To be held and to feel loved. It’s natural to think that way. #salvationarmy #basingstoke #devotional

But Peter says that as Christians, following Jesus’ example, when we are hurt or in pain, we should try to see other people’s pain and reach out to help them, to comfort and hold them. Many of us have had the opportunity to do that in these past few months as we have all suffered the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic together. Whilst we have all experienced it differently, we have collectively suffered together.

We can’t do this in our own strength, of course. We need God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome our own needs and to look out for the needs of others. When we do, we move away from sin and become more like Jesus.

God can give a purpose to your pain. He can help you to help others who are feeling hurt too. Who do you know who is struggling and what could you do to reach out to them today?

Think about the following:
oWhat pain and hurt have you experienced that God might use to help you bring comfort to others who are suffering in the same way?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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