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"I am single. Here's what I'd like you to know..." | with Julie Molina, Jenn Hand & Hannah Altizer

discovering joy in Christ through the journey of singleness

Season 13, episode 281
54 min / Published

From discussing prayer, surrendering to God's will, and navigating desires, to emphasizing the value of community and wisdom, today’s conversation is filled with invaluable insights for all stages of life!

We are in February, which means Valentine's Day season. So, Stephanie prepared a rather unusual episode: a conversation with three of her single girlfriends about what it is like to be single this time of year – and every day of the year, really. Stephanie asked them, “how can I, who is married, come alongside you, invite you into my life and be part of your life?” They share advice, stories, and a unique perspective on God’s power and presence. And they help Stephanie put her foot in her mouth just a tad less often when she interacts with them. And this is no small miracle!

Stephanie’s three guests have very unique, but complementary stories. Hannah Altizer is in her mid-twenties; Julie Molina is in her mid-thirties; and Jenn Hand is in her early forties. They share a common passion for God, and are deeply involved in the building of His Kingdom on earth in our generation. Stephanie feels inspired by them in so many ways, and wants to be like them when she grows up! Whether you're single and thriving or longing for a relationship, this episode is a beautiful reminder of God's unique purpose for each of us.

Whether you're single or in a relationship, this podcast offers a wealth of wisdom! Let's champion each other to seek God first and find joy and fulfillment in every season. Here are 3 things Stephanie invites you to remember from these conversations:

🔸 Embracing Your Identity and Purpose: Understanding one's purpose, desires, and identity in Christ is crucial before committing to a relationship. It's essential to know that God’s plan is right now, and we don't have to wait to start living it.

🔸 Finding Contentment in Christ: The concept of finding contentment in the Lord and reshaping the narrative around singleness. We discussed debunking the myth of relationship completeness and the importance of maintaining focus on the Lord.

🔸 The Power of Community: The significance of maturity in Christ and the potential pitfalls of settling for the wrong person. We also talked about the need for love, connection, and community in the church for single individuals without making singleness their entire identity.

So, whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between, this episode of Gospel Spice is for you. Julie, Hannah, and Jen share their stories, challenges, and victories as they embrace singleness with faith and grace.

And here is some advice we gleaned from Hannah, Julie and Jenn (in no particular order):

1-      "Know Your Identity" | Knowing who you are in Christ is crucial to navigating singleness well.

2-      "Embrace Aloneness" | Lean into the season of being alone without fear.

3-      "Community Matters" | Invest in community and the body of Christ at every stage of life.

4-      "Serve the Lord" | See singleness as an opportunity for serving the Lord.

5-      "Hold onto Hope" | Acknowledge your desires and hold onto hope, even in difficulty.

6-      "Focus on God" | Seek fulfillment and contentment in your relationship with God.

7-      "Seek God's Guidance" | Pray and surrender your desires to God's will.

8-      "Combat Lies" | Combat societal lies about singleness with the truth of God's love.

9-      "Thank God" | Thank God and share your disappointments with Him.

10-   "Live for God's Glory" | Remember that every one of our temporary stages are meant to learn to delight in God's glory.

Want more? Here are a few pieces of advice Stephanie will remember from this conversation:

·       Know your purpose, desires, and identity in Christ before committing to a relationship.

·       Embrace aloneness without fear and invest in community and the body of Christ at every stage of life.

·       Take the time to mature in Christ and avoid settling for the wrong person out of fear of being alone.

·       Recognize that marriage cannot fill a void, and only God can complete and satisfy a person.

·       Find fulfillment in various roles, such as being a supportive friend or family member, regardless of marital status.

·       Combat lies and societal pressures regarding marriage and singleness with the truth of God's love and purpose.

·       Hold onto hope, even when faced with unmet desires, and be transparent with God about disappointments.

·       Acknowledge and combat the myth of relationship completeness and maintain focus on the Lord.

·       Seek contentment in the Lord and look for opportunities to serve Him, whether single or in a relationship.

·       Cultivate a relationship with God and find joy and strength in Him, regardless of external circumstances.

·       Lean into community for support and resources, and be vulnerable with desires and struggles.

·       Include single individuals in social activities and community events, treating them equally and fostering connection despite different life situations.

·       Forgive societal pressure and focus on seeking God first before rushing into relationships.

·       Maintain focus on God and seek His guidance in all aspects of life, particularly in relation to the desire for a godly relationship.

·       Give oneself permission to run their own race regardless of societal pressures regarding dating and marriage

We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with.

Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

Identity in the battle | Ephesians

Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience

Shades of Red | Against human oppression

God's glory, our delight 


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  • julie molina
  • jenn hand
  • jennifer hand
  • hannah altizer
  • julie molina the chosen
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This episode is part of the GUEST INTERVIEWS | Taste & See that the Lord is good series
Stephanie invites you to discover the amazing journeys of our guests
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