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If God Hasn’t Answered Yet, Then Keep Praying

Season 2021, episode 192
5 min / Published

Read Exodus 2:11-25. Do you have a prayer that God has not yet answered? Then keep persisting. God knows the best time to act. If you’re feeling hopeless at the moment, then perhaps the most difficult words to read in our key verses for this week are at the beginning of Exodus 2:23: “Years passed …”. The Israelites had been in slavery to the Egyptians for hundreds of years. And as the years ticked by, they still found themselves groaning under the burden of slavery, with no end in sight. God had promised to free them, but perhaps he had forgotten. It would have been easy to give up. But they kept persisting.

God’s rescue doesn’t always come when we want it. Sometimes, we must wait a long time for the right time to come. But God doesn’t forget us, or our troubles. He has a plan that we cannot see. And at just the right time, he will answer our prayers. In the meantime, as we persist in prayer, God helps to focus our attention. It reminds us that God is the answer to whatever we need. It helps us see that we should not rely on ourselves to get us out of our hopeless situation.

When God seems silent, keep praying. He is the one who can “accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20).


Think about the following:

•What is something you’ve been praying for a long time? How can you demonstrate your willingness to be persistent to God?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
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