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Investing in God’s Service Fund

Season 2021, episode 122
5 min / Published

Today's #BattleDrill devotional: It's not a great time to be a saver, is it? Interest rates have been historically low for a long time. Your money isn't earning you much. God's interest rates are always high! When we invest, he multiplies beyond measure. #salvationarmy #basingstoke #devotional

Read 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. It’s not a great time to be a saver, is it? Interest rates have been historically low for a long time. Your money isn’t earning you much. God’s interest rates are always high! When we invest, he multiplies beyond measure.

God gives us so much, doesn’t he? And yet, it’s not just for our benefit. He gives us those resources to use and invest for him. Paul uses the metaphor of the seed from Psalm 112 to explain that God does not give us resources to hide them away for ourselves, or to foolishly and selfishly devour them, or to throw them away as worthless to us. Instead, he encourages us to plant them, cultivate them, care for them so that they produce more crops.

And that’s the miracle of God’s economy. When we decide to invest our resources in him – whether it’s money, talents, time, our very hearts – his interest rates always ensure a high rate of return! When we invest what God has given us in his work, he promises to provide us with even more to give in his service.

Now that’s an investment opportunity not to be missed!

Think about the following:
oWhat are some of the results you have seen when you have been generous in your giving?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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