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Invite God into your Work

Season 2022, episode 233
4 min / Published

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13. Do you find yourself demotivated at work? Is your default position procrastination? Do you feel stuck?

There may be one very good reason you’re feeling this way: you’ve never invited God to be in your work. Maybe that’s what had happened to those whom Paul warned for “living idle lives” in Thessalonica? Perhaps they just didn’t see a connection between their faith and their work?

One of the best examples of this in the Bible is the disciples. Twice they went out to fish – their usual work – and despite the fact they were experienced fishermen, they caught nothing. At sunrise, Jesus comes along and tells them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. This time, they catch so many fish, their nets almost break. Same lake, same boat, same fishermen, but a very different outcome. What was the difference? Jesus was in their work.

When we ask God to take control of our work, he can use it for great blessing. When we give our work over to God, he can work through it. He can use your work for his glory.

If you want to find true meaning in your work – whatever it is – then give control of it to God. Then watch him bless it beyond your imagination!


Think about the following:

•          What would it look like if you dedicated your work to God?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
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