Is marriage a failed institution - PART 3 - Heart Rock Cafe
Heart Rock Cafe - Ep 09
In this riveting conversation on "Is marriage a failed institution - PART 3" our host, Rishika Miranda, discusses this topic with our guests Fr John Abraham, (a priest of 43 years and has been teaching Canon law for over 30 years, a judge in the marriage tribunal and a judicial vicar in the archdiocese of Bangalore for over 25 years now) and Mr. Preetham & Mrs. Melissa D'Souza. Mr Preetham is a lawyer and Melissa is a homemaker. They are also joined by Shyla, Martha Lourdes and Maria Priya in the audience to give a solid-rock faith-based exploration of this topic. In this part they explore the above topic in conjunction with live-In relationships: a better option?
Dive into this interesting conversation and find out more about christian marriage and its relevance in today's world.
In this riveting conversation on "Is marriage a failed institution - PART 3" our host, Rishika Miranda, discusses this topic with our guests Fr John Abraham, (a priest of 43 years and has been teaching Canon law for over 30 years, a judge in the marriage tribunal and a judicial vicar in the archdiocese of Bangalore for over 25 years now) and Mr. Preetham & Mrs. Melissa D'Souza. Mr Preetham is a lawyer and Melissa is a homemaker. They are also joined by Shyla, Martha Lourdes and Maria Priya in the audience to give a solid-rock faith-based exploration of this topic. In this part they explore the above topic in conjunction with live-In relationships: a better option?
Dive into this interesting conversation and find out more about christian marriage and its relevance in today's world.
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