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Jenn Collins on Mama Needs Self-Care

Jenn Collins from Mama Needs Box joins us to help us discover and easy way to make self-care a natural part of our mom life.

42 min / Published

Self-care. We know we need it, but we don't always know how to do it in a way that doesn't feel selfish.

Jenn Collins from Mama Needs Box joins us to help us solve that problem and make it a natural part of our mom life.

Meet our Guest Jenn:

Jenn Collins is the Chief Self-Care Officer at and founder of the Mama Needs subscription box. Jenn is on a mission to help mamas understand the need for self-care and give them the tools and inspiration to prioritize it. Married to her high school sweetheart and mama to three amazing kids, Jenn and her family live in North Carolina where they still can't believe that they get to see mountains every day.

Connect with me and let me hear your thoughts:

Website - http://www.thismomknows.com
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Topics we cover:

  • The importance of self-care 
  • Personal experience with burnout and the impact on motherhood
  • Different seasons of motherhood and adapting self-care practices
  • Seeking help and support from others in taking care of oneself
  • Tailoring self-care activities to individual preferences and needs
  • The importance of learning from each other in motherhood
  • The impact of generational differences in motherhood and the changing roles of husband and wife
  • The need for setting boundaries and saying no to prevent burnout
  • Priorities and struggles in balancing business and family
  • The concept and details of the subscription box for moms
  • The role of community and mom teams in self-care
  • Overcoming the belief of not having enough time for self-care
  • Making use of fringe hours for self-care activities
  • Her favorite time-saving gadget, system, or tools

Resources mentioned:

The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You by Jessica Turner

Jenn's favorite resource is grocery pickup

Get 15% off a subscription (or anything on the Mama Needs Box site) by using the code PODCAST at checkout at mamaneedsbox.com


Link to transcript: https://www.thismomknows.com/blog/episode-61 

Connect with Jenn:

Website: https://mamaneedsbox.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamaneedsbox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mamaneedsbox
Listen to the Mama Needs Podcast
Email:  info@mamaneedsbox.com

About This Mom Knows

Moms know a lot of things, and when we start talking, ideas form, energy builds, and we take action. This Mom Knows is a place for moms to mompreneurs to find encouragement, connection, and maybe even collaboration but most importantly community with moms who know.  So, grab a cup of coffee, maybe a paper and pencil to jot down an idea or two, and let's discover what This Mom Knows.





  • self-care
  • subscription box
  • time for mom
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This Mom Knows
A podcast by Jenn Uren
Helping mompreneurs find the systems, tools, and connections to allow them to be their best as both mom and entrepreneur.
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