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Jenn Uren on 3 Essential Systems for Your Business

I believe there are 3 essential business systems when it comes to supporting growth. Making just one change is enough to move you forward enough that it begins to feel more manageable.

9 min / Published

Sometimes as mompreneurs it feels easier to make things work better at home, but can be harder to know where to start on the business side.  Jenn Uren shares 3 business systems to support your growing business. And like with any good system, making just one change is enough to move you forward enough that it begins to feel more manageable.

Today's episode of This Mom Knows will tell you exactly what these are so you can decide where to start with supporting your business for growth.

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Topics we cover:

  • The three foundational systems for mompreneurs
  • The importance of having a well-organized workspace
  • Different types of workspaces and their requirements
  • Tips for creating an efficient workspace
  • Making tools and resources easily accessible, especially in transient workspaces
  • The significance of managing email effectively
  • The impact of interruptions and the benefits of batch processing emails.
  • Strategies for managing email efficiently
  • The role of planned email-checking times, reducing disruptions, and staying focused
  • The role of the calendar in managing time
  • Understanding the calendar as a tool for scheduling and organizing commitments
  • Introduction to block scheduling
  • Allocating specific blocks of time for different tasks based on energy levels and task requirements
  • Maximizing time by multitasking 
  • Utilizing spare moments to complete less demanding tasks or listen to audio while performing other activities
  • The overall importance of systems in business: How the three foundational systems support efficiency and productivity
  • Resource for designing effective systems 
  • Mentioning a template recipe card-style resource to help create personalized systems

Resources mentioned:


Recipe for a Perfect System download

Link to transcript: https://www.thismomknows.com/blog/episode-51 

About This Mom Knows

Moms know a lot of things, and when we start talking, ideas form, energy builds, and we take action. This Mom Knows is a place for moms to mompreneurs to find encouragement, connection, and maybe even collaboration but most importantly community with moms who know.  So, grab a cup of coffee, maybe a paper and pencil to jot down an idea or two, and let's discover what This Mom Knows.


  • mompreneur
  • business systems
  • home and work
  • from at home
  • Calendar
  • email
  • workspace
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This Mom Knows
A podcast by Jenn Uren
Helping mompreneurs find the systems, tools, and connections to allow them to be their best as both mom and entrepreneur.
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