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Jenn Uren on When I Heard God's Voice

Listening to the gut instinct that may be God's voice

17 min / Published

Jenn Uren talks about times when she has heard God's voice in her own life sharing about times when she listened - and times when she didn't.

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Topics we Cover:


  • Deidra McGeever's experience of losing her voice and finding it through God's healing
  • Mary Ethel Eckard's discussion on learning to hear God's voice
  • Jenn's own experiences of hearing God's voice and the consequences of listening or ignoring it
  • The idea of gut feelings and intuitions
  • The role of faith and building it by recognizing when God's voice is heard
  • A story about not following an overwhelming feeling about moving a laptop off the kitchen counter, which led to a major accident
  • The impact of ignoring such feelings on the ability to hear God's voice
  • A journey of simplifying life, learning to say no, and being more attentive to God's voice
  • Listening to "The Next Right Thing" podcast by Emily P Freeman and the impact it had on decision-making
  • The importance of listening for God's voice and the blessings that come with it
  • The speaker's interest in hearing stories of when others have heard God's voice and the outcomes of their choices

Resources mentioned:


Episode 3: Overwhelm

Episode 6: Surprise Adoption

Episode 9: Connected Parenting

Emily P Freeman: Episode 25 - Come Home to Yourself

The Next Right Thing Book

Link to Transcript: https://www.thismomknows.com/blog/episode-12

About This Mom Knows

Moms know a lot of things, and when we start talking, ideas form, energy builds, and we take action. This Mom Knows is a place for moms to mompreneurs to find encouragement, connection, and maybe even collaboration but most importantly community with moms who know.  So, grab a cup of coffee, maybe a paper and pencil to jot down an idea or two, and let's discover what This Mom Knows.


  • Gods voice
  • overwhelm
  • overwhelming feeling
  • gut instinct
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This episode is part of the Jenn's story of digging out of overwhelm series
or "How Laundry Saved Me"
This Mom Knows
A podcast by Jenn Uren
Helping mompreneurs find the systems, tools, and connections to allow them to be their best as both mom and entrepreneur.
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