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Kate Kordsmeier on Scaling Your Income (Without Burning Out)

Leveraging evergreen funnels to create passive income.

42 min / Published

Kate Kordsmeier knows being a mompreneur means that we have to wear many hats. But just because we are responsible for something doesn't mean that we have to trade our time to get it done. Kate has leveraged systems - especially evergreen funnels -- effectively turning a significant portion of her income into a passive revenue that allows her to invest her energy into the things that matter to her -- especially her growing family.

Meet our Guest Kate:

Kate Kordsmeier is a writer, educator and creative entrepreneur. She lives in Atlanta with her husband Matt and their two kiddos, Jackson, and Gemma and their three, fur babies Scout, Boo, and Finch - and yes, they are named for the characters and To Kill a Mockingbird. She left a flourishing freelance writing career to start a holistic wellness blog called Root + Revel, which became a multi six figure business. She now teaches other heart centered online entrepreneurs to monetize their online business with sustainable tactics that don't result in burnout or selling their soul. She does this through two courses that she offers and she's also a fellow podcaster. And you can hear her on the podcast Sucess with Soul. 

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Topics we cover:

  • The concept of working smarter, not harder, and scaling income without burning out
  • Kate's transition from a freelance food and travel writer to starting a holistic wellness blog called Root + Revel
  • Kate's motivation for starting the blog
  • The growth of Root + Revel into a six-figure business
  • The success of Root + Revel as a blog, even during periods of inactivity
  • The misconception that blogging is just a personal space rather than a real business
  • The changing landscape of blogging as a business tool
  • The importance of incorporating a blog component into any business for organic traffic and lead generation
  • The importance of delegating tasks to free up time and energy for more strategic and high-impact work
  • Repurposing podcast content into blog posts for better accessibility
  • The struggle of driving traffic from podcasts to websites and the importance of creating SEO-friendly blog content
  • The podcast as a credibility builder and nurturing existing audiences rather than gaining new ones
  • Monetization strategies for podcasts, including using them as a marketing strategy and promoting other products or services
  • Challenges of balancing home and business priorities, particularly during the pandemic
  • The importance of outsourcing and employing help to maintain balance and reduce stress
  • Leaning on existing products and implementing evergreen models for scalability and passive income
  • The process of tweaking and planning ahead to optimize passive income streams
  • Advice for mompreneurs, emphasizing the significance of having a blog as a home base for business and leveraging it 

Resources mentioned:

Listen to her podcast, Success with Soul 

Register and grab her Free Webinar Masterclass on “Six Systems  for Six-Figure CEO’s https://katekordsmeier.com/6-systems to get 2 free bonuses.

Kate's favorite resource is Cyclical Living.  Learn more in the book Woman Code or Do Less.

Link to transcript: https://www.thismomknows.com/blog/episode-53 

Connect with Kate:

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/katekordsmeier/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/KateKordsmeier  
Website:  https://katekordsmeier.com/ 
Email:  hi@katekordsmeier.com

About This Mom Knows

Moms know a lot of things, and when we start talking, ideas form, energy builds, and we take action. This Mom Knows is a place for moms to mompreneurs to find encouragement, connection, and maybe even collaboration but most importantly community with moms who know.  So, grab a cup of coffee, maybe a paper and pencil to jot down an idea or two, and let's discover what This Mom Knows.



  • mompreneur
  • evergreen funnels
  • passive income
  • outsourcing
  • systems
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This Mom Knows
A podcast by Jenn Uren
Helping mompreneurs find the systems, tools, and connections to allow them to be their best as both mom and entrepreneur.
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