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Keep the Finishing Line in Sight

Season 2021, episode 133
6 min / Published

Today's #BattleDrill devotional: Have you ever watched a professional sprinter run the 100m race? Their eyes are transfixed on the finish line in front of them. Paul encourages us to fix our eyes on our ultimate goal. #salvationarmy #basingstoke #devotional

Read 2 Corinthians 4:1-18. Have you ever watched a professional sprinter run the 100m race? Their eyes are transfixed on the finish line in front of them. Paul encourages us to fix our eyes on our ultimate goal.

Paul had faced many bad things in his ministry. He suffered for his faith and service. He had gone through many trials. His circumstances often distressed him. But he knew that one day, all this would be over, and he would obtain God’s rests and rewards.

So, he kept going.

As we face troubles in our own lives, it’s easy to lose hard and quit. Our earthly journey isn’t a 100m race where we can see the finish line in front of us at all times. It’s a marathon. And for most of our lives we have to keep the finish line in our imagination. Sometimes, we want to down tools and quit.

But Paul concentrated on experiencing the inner strength that only the Holy Spirit can bring. Through his power, he would not let fatigue, pain or criticism force him off track.

God’s Holy Spirit power is available to us too. At the end of this week, as we face an uncertain future, as we focus on the finish line, let’s renew our commitment to Christ. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to deal with today’s temporary pain and focus on our eternal reward. Let’s look to the glory to come!

Think about the following:
oHow do you look at the ageing process? Is it something to look forward to, or would you rather not think about it?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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