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Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Jesus, and You Won’t Sink

Season 2023, episode 19
4 min / Published

Read Matthew 14:22-36. When you look around you, what do you see? A creaking health service? Workers striking? A cost of living crisis? War in Ukraine? Failing health? A difficult economic outlook? A shrinking job market? A generation falling behind in education? Jesus says, look at me instead.

Only Peter had the faith the step out of the boat. Physics tells us that a grown man could not walk on water. But Peter did. Often, we move so quickly to focusing on his sinking that we forget to pause and note: PETER WALKED ON WATER!

So, what went wrong? Peter took his eyes off Jesus. The moment he looked away from Jesus and looked at the circumstances around him – the wind and the waves – he began sinking:

When we focus on our circumstances – whatever they are – we start to sink. If you want to walk about the storms of life, you have to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus:

If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed; if you look within, you’ll be depressed; if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.

Pastor Rick Warren


Think about the following:

•          What helps you focus on Jesus in the storms of life?

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