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Like Sheep Without a Shepherd: Unveiling the Compassionate Heart of Jesus

Season 2023, episode 328
5 min / Published


'Like sheep without a shepherd': Jesus' heart full of compassion revealed.


When we read the Gospels, we encounter a Jesus who is not only powerful and wise, but also deeply compassionate. In Matthew 9:27-38, we see Jesus overwhelmed with compassionate pity for the people. He sees they are like sheep without a shepherd. This compassion echoes the deep inner mercy of God.

Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

Jesus came to be our Shepherd, the one who can show us how to avoid life's pitfalls. He saw the crowds, and his heart was moved with compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God.

As we reflect on this passage, we are reminded that Jesus is not distant or indifferent to our struggles. He sees that we too sometimes seem like sheep without a shepherd. He understands our pain and is ready to guide us through life's challenges. We can find comfort and hope in his compassionate heart.

Turn to the Shepherd

Today, let us turn to Jesus as our Shepherd. Let us seek his guidance and follow his example of love and compassion towards others. In doing so, we can avoid the pitfalls of life and experience the abundant life that he offers.

Reflection Question:

How can you show compassion to someone in need today, following the example of Jesus?

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast This Week

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast, we reflect on Jesus' compassion and willingness to be interrupted by those in need. As his followers, we are called to do the same. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

There's a new episode of Battle Drill Devotional every Monday through Friday.

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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