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Love Others - Prove to Those Outside the Church that We are Christians

Season 2023, episode 76
4 min / Published

One way we can encourage each other as Christians is to practice the “one anothers” in the Bible. This week in Battle Drill devotionals, we focus on just five of the fifty-nine “one anothers” found in Scripture.

Read John 13:31-38. “My faith is fine, thanks. I don’t need a church to be a Christian”. Have you ever heard someone say that? Perhaps you believe it, yourself?

Whilst Christians have a personal, individual relationship with God, the Bible makes it clear that we were created to be together. Never is this so important than when it comes to our collective witness to God’s love. Jesus makes it clear to his disciples that it is our love for one another that proves to the world that we are his followers.

When we gather as a church family, we strengthen each other. We encourage each other and provide each other with motivation to keep going on our faith journey. We need each other to grow. Spiritual growth towards holiness happens in community. If you’re in a good place and growing, then you can encourage those who are struggling.

Let’s commit to loving one another - however difficult that might be on occasion - and witness to the world that we follow the God who loves them.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        What would you say to someone who once attended church but no longer does so because of a hurt or disappointment from the past?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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