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Mastering Your Strength Under Control: Achieving Happiness in a World of Chaos

Season 2023, episode 202
5 min / Published


Explore how your life can transform when you master strength under control. Begin the journey now.

Strength Under Control: Introduction

What do you think of when you read or hear the word, “meek”? You might be tempted to think of the archetypal 97-pound weakling who usually appears in contrast to a muscly hero. Think Charles Atlas or Captain America. We often mistake meekness for weakness.

Strength Under Control: Meekness Does Not Equal Weakness

But meekness did not equal weakness in the biblical world. The Greek word for “meekness” actually means “strength under control.” It would be used to describe a wild stallion brought under control.

Strength Under Control: Trust in God

Happiness does not come from being weak. But someone who is meek can be made happy by God, because they put their trust in him rather than in their own strength. Relying on our own skills and abilities to navigate life simply leads to stress.

Strength Under Control: Let Go and Let God

Happy people let go and let God. They agree to letting God fulfil his purpose for their lives. As we practice meekness it relieves stress and worry. That sounds like a recipe for happiness to me!

Reflection Question
  • What aspect of your life do you need to surrender to God? Can you see how that might make you happier?
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Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

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