Rita Fae Aulbach-Emira has a long list of credentials under her belt, including BA, AS, Dip.HCT, Dip. MLT, LMP, IPHM, Cert. Hom, Cert. NatMed, COC, CPC, CPCO, CDEI, CDEO, CPB, CPMA, CPPM, CRC, CEDC, CEMC, CGSC, CPCD, CRHC, CMSP, CCA, CMCS, CBCS, AAPC Approved Instructor, Certified Melanoma Educator. However, her first position in the business of healthcare was as a medical scribe. It was not the dream medical coding job she had hoped for, but it provided her with a launch pad to build the career of her dreams. Listen to her share her story on this episode of #iamaapc.
Rita Fae Aulbach-Emira has a long list of credentials under her belt, including BA, AS, Dip.HCT, Dip. MLT, LMP, IPHM, Cert. Hom, Cert. NatMed, COC, CPC, CPCO, CDEI, CDEO, CPB, CPMA, CPPM, CRC, CEDC, CEMC, CGSC, CPCD, CRHC, CMSP, CCA, CMCS, CBCS, AAPC Approved Instructor, Certified Melanoma Educator. However, her first position in the business of healthcare was as a medical scribe. It was not the dream medical coding job she had hoped for, but it provided her with a launch pad to build the career of her dreams. Listen to her share her story on this episode of #iamaapc.
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