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#MondayMix 370 by @dirtyswift «Brand New Rap US + Red Cup by Dirty Swift & Davassy» 21.Jun.2021 (Live Mix)

Comme tous les lundis 18h, le nouveau #MondayMix est là! Au programme que des nouveautés Rap, Trap et Drill US, mais aussi mon nouveau son « Red Cup » dispo partout

58 min / Published

Dirty Swift, Davassy, A6dii, Bizzy Banks, PNB Rock, Hotboii,Future, , Migos , Polo G, Lil Baby, Lil Durk, Young Thug, Pi'Erre Bourne, Lil Uzi Vert, Migos, Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion, Lil Durk, YSL, Young Thug, Gunna, Travis Scott, Groceries, Ty Dolla $ign, Jack Harlow, 24kGoldn, Moneybagg Yo, Pooh Shiesty, , Money Mu, Pooh Shiesty, Rich The Kid, Migos, Future, WacoTron, G Herbo, Marshmello, YSL, Yak Gotti, YBS Skola; , Fxxxxy, Kuttem Reese, Bankroll Freddie, Drake, NAV, Rowdy Rebel, Lil Tjay, Polo G & Fivio Foreign, Tay Money, Flo Milli, Kingg Bucc, KyleYouMadeThat, Coi Leray, Kaash Paige, Kayla Nicole, Taylor Girlz, Renni Rucci, Kid Ink, DJ Bubba, Quin Nfn, SSG Splurge, BAHA BANKS, Chance The Rapper, Tyga, Moneybagg Yo, Yo Gotti, DaBaby, Big Jade, BeatKing, Erica Banks, Babyface Ray, DJ Chose, DreamDoll, Rubi Rose, Lil Sly, City Girls, Lakeyah, Gucci Mane, Cardi B, Lakeyah, Saweetie, Doja Cat, Chinese Kitty, LightSkinKeisha, Jayla Young, Trina, Jayla Young, Numidia, Blac Youngsta, Six 3, Asian Doll, London On Da Track, G-Eazy #DirtySwift #Davassy #A6dii #BizzyBanks #PNBRock #Hotboii #Future #Migos#PoloG #LilBaby #LilDurk #YoungThug #PiErreBourne #LilUziVert #Migos #CardiB #MeganTheeStallion #LilDurk #YSL #YoungThug #Gunna #TravisScott#TyDolla$ign #JackHarlow #24kGoldn #MoneybaggYo #PoohShiesty #MoneyMu #PoohShiesty #RichTheKid #Migos #Future #WacoTron #GHerbo #Marshmello #YakGotti #YBSSkola#Fxxxxy #KuttemReese #BankrollFreddie #Drake #NAV #RowdyRebel #LilTjay #PoloG #FivioForeign #TayMoney #FloMilli #Bucc #KyleYouMadeThat #CoiLeray #KaashPaige #KaylaNicole #TaylorGirlz #Rucci #KidInk #DJBubba #QuinNfn #SSGSplurge #BAHABANKS #ChanceTheRapper #Tyga #MoneybaggYo #YoGotti #DaBaby #BigJade #BeatKing #EricaBanks #BabyfaceRay #DJChose #DreamDoll #RubiRose #LilSly #CityGirls #Lakeyah #GucciMane #CardiB #Lakeyah #Saweetie #DojaCat #ChineseKitty #LightSkinKeisha #Trina #JaylaYoung #Numidia #BlacYoungsta #Six3 #AsianDoll #LondonOnDaTrack #GEazy

  • Dirty Swift
  • Hip-Hop
  • Mouv
  • Trap
  • mix
  • rap
  • rap us
  • skyrock
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Dirty Swift
A podcast by dirtyswift
The best DJ in Paris brings you the latest Hip-Hop and Trap tunes
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