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NH Unscripted with Kevin Collins

What is the current state of non-professional theater and theater training

Episode 94
45 min / Published

Kevin Collins, board member at the Garrison Players, was today’s WKXL NH Unscripted guest. And our topic? “What is the current state of non-professional theater and theater training?” We also had the good luck to be doing theater in the 1970’s which was a highly experimental time, particularly in the arts. It was also still an analog world when we did just about everything — lighting, set design, publicity, with little or no training, just because we had to. But times have changed, in the sense that there used to be a sort of apprenticeship process through which an actor learned his or her craft: college theater, summer stock, summer festivals, regional theater, off-off-Broadway, etc., etc. Not that anyone followed this step-by-step — usually, an actor just tried out for everything. But the fact was there were many roads and many venues. In a very small way, community theater was a part of that. What are the changes? NH Unscripted and Kevin go deep in the weeds for what turned out to be “Part I”!


  • nh unscripted
  • ray dudley
  • kevin collins
  • wkxl
Show notes

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