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Oliver Kostić, a visionary coach with a powerful philosophy

Season 1, episode 26
1 hr 1 min / Published

Coach of the season 2023-2024 in Lithuanian LKL, while coaching Juventus Utena, Oliver Kostić was also the assistant coach of the Serbian National team for the last two International campaigns under Coach Pesić, being a part of their successes both in the last Olympics and the last World Championship.

After having coached for over several decades in some of the most recognized organizations in Europe, he is nowadays the actual Coach of Kuwait National Team.

Oliver Kostić and mental performance coach Nico Bourgade unveil how they ended up working together and what made that collaboration a very positive one.

Great tips for the people looking to set up a mental performance program within their organization.

From wine to submarines' anecdotes, it will always lead you back to basketball, and you will hear it all with the very unique Oliver Kostić. 

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The Mind Game of Basketball:1 on 1 with yourself
A podcast by Nico Bourgade
Discover the techniques and routines used by the best in the NBA and in Europe to master your mental and reach your full potential.
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