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Open Access: Knowledge for the World / Era of Rapid Change: AI & Big Data / Google Earth Engine / Essential Skills

1 hr 9 min / Published
By Nazerke

Dr. Qiusheng Wu is an Associate Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Geography & Sustainability at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He also serves as an Amazon Visiting Academic. Dr. Wu specializes in geospatial data science and open-source software development, with a research focus on utilizing big geospatial data and cloud computing to study environmental changes, particularly in surface water and wetland inundation dynamics. He is the creator of several widely used open-source Python packages, including geemap, leafmap, and segment-geospatial, which are designed for advanced geospatial analysis and visualization.

Explore his open-source contributions on GitHub: https://github.com/opengeos

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vmml4_0AAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qiusheng-Wu-2

Prof. Wu on social media

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC6V9oXSB3T1XSBsbqtYvKMg

X (former Twitter): https://x.com/giswqs


01:44 Two key turning points: Career choice and starting a YouTube channel

06:38 The importance of creating free content and providing open-access resources globally

11:10 Prof. Wu’s experience in acquiring skills in geospatial sciences

15:30 How the COVID-19 lockdown highlighted the need for online knowledge sources

16:58 Key implications of remote sensing data

19:06 Why a background in remote sensing is more crucial than just data analysis skills

21:39 The importance of frequently updating teaching materials & their alignment with job market demands

26:29 The era of rapid change: ‘…you need to be irreplaceable by AI’

28:25 Google Earth Engine Explorer/Code Editor/Timelapse & their applications / The power of Cloud computing

37:56 How Big Data & AI are shaping geospatial science

42:08 ‘For students who want to pursue a career in geospatial studies…’

43:14 The role of ‘coding skills’ in geospatial sciences

46:18 Essential skills and key advice for aspiring researchers

55:39 ‘I learned most of what I know from social media…’

57:27 How to stay curious

1:00:20 Advice for incoming students

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