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Parent Effectiveness Training: Insights from Thomas Gordon's Techniques

3 min / Published
By Renew

Chapter 1 What's Parent Effectiveness Training

Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) is a program developed by psychologist Thomas Gordon in the 1960s, designed to improve parent-child relationships and enhance children's social and emotional skills. It emphasizes non-confrontational communication, mutual respect, and active listening rather than traditional authoritarian parenting approaches. PET teaches parents to focus on understanding their children's needs and feelings, using techniques such as "I" messages and problem-solving discussions. The goal is to foster cooperative and responsible behavior in children while promoting a positive family environment.

Chapter 2 The Background of Parent Effectiveness Training

"Parent Effectiveness Training," published by Thomas Gordon in 1970, emerged during a period of significant social change in the United States characterized by a growing interest in child psychology, family dynamics, and alternative parenting methods. The 1960s and 1970s saw a shift away from authoritarian parenting styles towards more democratic and communicative approaches. Gordon's intent was to equip parents with effective communication skills and conflict-resolution strategies that foster mutual respect and understanding within the family. He aimed to empower parents to raise emotionally healthy children while promoting a nurturing environment, reflecting contemporary societal values emphasizing personal development and emotional intelligence.

Chapter 3 Quotes of Parent Effectiveness Training

Parent Effectiveness Training quotes as follows:

Here are ten notable quotes from Thomas Gordon's "Parent Effectiveness Training":

1. "Listening is the most important skill you can develop as a parent."

2. "Children learn what they live. If they live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If they live with hostility, they learn to fight."

3. "The best way to get your child to listen to you is to listen to them first."

4. "A parent can never be so busy that they don’t have time to listen to their child."

5. "Misunderstanding can be avoided if we listen to each other with an open mind and heart."

6. "All behavior is a means of communication; children act out because they need something."

7. "Effective discipline is not about punishment; it’s about teaching."

8. "The goal of effective parenting is to promote the development of a responsible, capable person."

9. "When you talk to your children, you should be more concerned with what they think and feel than what you think and feel."

10. "Creating an environment of open communication is essential for raising children who are confident and secure."

These quotes capture the essence of Gordon's approach to parenting, emphasizing communication, understanding, and effective discipline.


Book https://www.bookey.app/book/parent-effectiveness-training

Author https://www.bookey.app/quote-author/thomas-gordon

Quotes https://www.bookey.app/book/parent-effectiveness-training/quote



Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Parent-Effectiveness-Training-Responsible-Children/dp/0609806939

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/165548.Parent_Effectiveness_Training

  • Parenting & FamilyMethod
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