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People Notice Your Generosity

Season 2022, episode 20
4 min / Published

Read 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. How does your neighbour know you are a Christian? Paul suggests one of the best ways people can tell we’re followers of Jesus is in how we give.

Giving generously, sacrificially and cheerfully is a sign that we are genuinely following Jesus’ example and direction. It shows that our hearts have been cleansed of self-interest. It is proof that we are growing a servant heart after our Saviour’s own heart.

And Paul says that such giving will lead to thanksgiving to God himself. As those in need receive our gifts, they will raise their voices in praise and thanksgiving to God. When we opt-out of giving, we opt out of the privilege of meeting human need and the honour of promoting God’s glory.

As God works in our hearts as we deny ourselves to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters may we each be encouraged by him to give readily, generously and cheerfully in recognition of his immeasurable grace to us.


Think about the following:

oWhat you will give up to ensure God is enthroned in your heart?

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