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Picky With...EVERYTHING! AJ & McCall Show

AJ & McCall Show 10-25-21

58 min / Published

While AJ & McCall may both suffer from 'mind blindness' that doesn't mean you don't have a chance to see them get scared on their ghost hunt. How does it make sense that McCall's own finger is scary to her than a needle? Producer Butterz is near the tops of the list when it comes to picky eaters, but AJ swears he found one way worse. When it comes to fellas buying engagement rings there's a game of chicken they play with themselves, luckily one concerned dad wants to intervene. AJ & McCall intervene on the lies parents tell to their kids like a certain arcade is only open for birthday or why McCall has Chuck E. Cheese as the reason why her friends hated her. What lies did your parents tell for the Debate At 8? Is it possible dogs wrote the latest statistic when it comes to them in dating profile pictures?

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This episode is part of the Full Show series
AJ & McCall Show
Utah's VFX
Utah's Hottest Music!
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