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by Damien Michel (United Kingdom)

Episode 124
2 min / Published

Red Forest is a visual experience, where the visitor is immersed in a forest of red wood, which changes the perspective of the horizontal garden space to a very vertical and structured view.  

On the horizontal level, the dark ground contrasts with the red of the forest and plants placed in circles of vegetation. The view from above is also important because the perspective centres on a series of vegetation circles. There are therefore several possible readings, several perspectives.


The designer has planned this garden to be as simple and economical as possible in terms of materials and construction.  

The structures are entirely made of painted wood and the paint used is as eco-friendly as possible. The ground is covered with gravel and the plants require very little water.  

Additionally, at the end of the festival, the designer is hoping to recycle the plants and materials, donating them to a community for reuse in public spaces, and the materials too.

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This episode is part of the Festival des Jardins 2023 series
Podcasts 06
Podcasts by Département des Alpes-Maritimes
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