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S03 Ep011: Morgan McHugh

Whatcom Singer Songwriter

Season 3, episode 11
56 min / Published

Morgan McHugh came over to chat with me about music, life and play some tunes. Follow him on IG and YT (@morganmchughmusic), listen to his music on Bandcamp, Spotify, etc. The song at the end of the episode was recorded at the Space Station in Bellingham and I recommend watching all of his performances during his one hour set here.

The next big AMP event is the Rockin' Yule Bizarre on Saturday, Dec 21st at Buxton's. Kids are free and tickets for adults can be purchased here.
Buy tix to Nicola's play at the Concrete Theatre here.
Support a new non-profit in the Valley (Owen's Foundation) by purchasing tickets to the Jan 11th show (featuring Fanny Alger, Friends for the Ghost and more) at the Lincoln Theatre here.

Enjoy your week, be of use, and go do something hard.

Love music? Go to Washingtonesrecords.com and score some sweet merch, cool tunes and support locals following their passion.

Also, if you love music, go see some rad live music at the Conway Muse.

Love my intro song and my logo? Check out Clay Work. He is incredibly talented. He also hosts Trivia at Lyman Tavern on Tuesdays, and at District Brewing on Wednesdays.

My kid and I like to draw and write. Check out all of our books and merch here: www.linktr.ee/lizduffy

Disclaimer: Skagit Storytellers is a personal podcast and any views and opinions belong only to the host (or guests) and do not represent views and opinions of people, institutions or organizations that the host (or guests) may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated.

This episode is part of the Musicians series
Skagit Storytellers
A podcast by Liz Duffy
Tell me your story, make me laugh, or play music.

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