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S1Ep11: The Big Why

The Purpose of Being Here

Season 1, episode 11
41 min / Published

This week we ask a simple but huge question. Why are we here? The answer is a little more complicated but join Sheree as she shares what she has learned in her spiritual journey. We are always evolving, not just individually but as a whole and there is big purpose behind that.

  • podcast
  • healing
  • spiritual energy
  • karma
  • lessons
  • medium
  • soul healing
Show notes

Feel into information shared, sit with it, then decide what feels true for you.  

-We are here to learn, grow, evolve, and expand in energy and light.

- Earth is our school (a really hard one)

- We are not supposed to remember who/what we truly are (light), otherwise we’d be cheating

- We chose to her here and the lessons we want to learn (sometimes we decided on advanced topics - the hardest lessons)

- Karmic Lessons = Balance. To learn and understand life and the full spectrum of lessons we (as souls) must experience both sides of the teaching. 

-How old is your soul?  Have you ever met someone, even children, who you describe as wise beyond their years?  Who shows empathy, non-judgement, acceptance, and unconditional love and forgiveness?  This is what an evolved soul or ‘old soul’ looks like. 



To learn more about Pre-Life Planning I recommend reading ‘Your Soul’s Plan’ by Robert Schwartz



“You don’t have a soul.  You are a soul.  You have a body.”   -C.S. Lewis

“There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.” - Swami Vivekananda 

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.” - William Shakespeare

“Spirituality is a brave search for the truth about existence, fearlessly peering into the mysterious nature of life.” - Elizabeth Lesser



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Awakened Healing with Sheree Buckman
A podcast by Sheree Buckman
Inspiring self healing, soul growth, and raising consciousness through love, understanding and community.
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