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S5Ep18: Breaking Generational Cycles

Season 5, episode 18
30 min / Published

You are not only healing yourself from these unhealthy behaviors and patterns, you are healing the future generations. Join Sheree this week on her final episode of season 5. Following the beautiful conversation Sheree had last week with Emily, she dives into the act of breaking family cycles of trauma, drama, and other toxic abuse. Being the person who says "It ends with me." is one of the most powerful and most difficult moves one can make. But it goes beyond not entertaining the toxic behavior of people in your life, you also need to find a way to heal and forgive, to move on and begin a healthier, more loving cycle for yourself and others.

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Sheree Buckman
Sheree Buckman
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Awakened Healing with Sheree Buckman
A podcast by Sheree Buckman
Inspiring self healing, soul growth, and raising consciousness through love, understanding and community.
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