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Sam Feldt - Heartfeldt Radio #321

1 hr / Published
By Dhectar

We start this week's episode with a brand new Heartfeldt Release by LANNÉ and Mingue, their track Dark Side is a slap house single that walks the line between cool and hypnotic, resulting in a track that's at once dark yet, uplifting. I hope you like it just as much as I do. Of course you can find many more great tunes in episode #321. Love to hear which one is your favorite. Enjoy the show!

Add LANNÉ & Mingue - Dark Side to your playlist: https://heartfeldt.release.link/dark-side

Make sure to follow the Heartfeldt Radio playlist: lnk.to/HFRadio and the Sam Feldt Approved playlist lnk.to/SFAPPROVED for more good music!

Pour nous contacter, une seule adresse : contact@dhectar.fr

This episode is part of the Dj International series
A podcast by Dhectar
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