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By Ateliers Cimes - Florine & Elodie Cottar (France)

Episode 119
5 min / Published

Ateliers Cimes present a VERTICAL perspective to stage the SKY (CIEL)! The creators invert the rules of perspective to surprise the visitor!  "Perspective: a field that opens up to thought, projections of the future"; " Surprising: that which delights, moves the mind by what one does not expect".

This perspective can be experienced through the concentric form. The visitor is guided by the repetitive, reassuring and immersive flow of the topography to the heart of the exhibit. They are surrounded by a curtain of eucalyptus trees, from the Greek for "well hidden".

This prompts them to lift their heads, to explore and contemplate the SKY. Stationary, they can take a few seconds to wander through the infinite space of the sky, an invitation to dream. Letting their thoughts go, "having their head in the clouds" and becoming aware of this celestial sphere that we must protect.


This garden is an environmental statement in itself. By inviting the visitor to reflect on the sky, the creators raise awareness of what this celestial element has to offer and its challenges. They reconsider their place in this ecosystem and in the universe.  

The creators formed a topographic model out of the ground. To limit the amount of backfill, and to avoid the use of mechanical shovels, they made a cardboard framework filled manually with gravel and earth. Recycled cardboard was used. Eventually, it will decompose into the soil, thus contributing the necessary carbon. The topographic dunes are planted with Oyat.

The Mediterranean seaside dune plant is resistant to sea salt and wind, its roots anchoring the dune. Eucalyptus trees, grown in the Mediterranean basin, are grown in containers. These will be rented out to a nursery afterwards so that they can be reused in other projects.

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This episode is part of the Festival des Jardins 2023 series
Podcasts 06
Podcasts by Département des Alpes-Maritimes
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