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Sometimes, God Grabs Your Attention through Pain

Season 2022, episode 12
4 min / Published

Read Matthew 11:25-30. Jesus promises his followers a life of rest. Following him, he says, is easy. The burden he gives us is light.

But often, living as a Christian doesn’t feel like that. We don’t experience the joy and contentment the Bible promises us. We wind up being unhappy, frustrated, over-busy and harassed. We feel exhausted and we just want to get off the treadmill for a while.

Why is that? Often, it’s because we’re leading a double life. There is a gap between what we believe and what we experience.

God is trying to get our attention! Sometimes, it’s only when life is painful that we find the motivation to make a change. When we sense discomfort and anguish, that’s when we are willing to go beneath the surface and deal with whatever’s in our hearts in a deep and meaningful way.

If you sense that you’re missing Jesus’ easy and light yoke and you feel that life is burdensome, then ask him to help you deal with the gap between your belief and experience. His healing balm awaits as you have an honest conversation with him.


Think about the following:

•Are you fully aware of what you are feeling and doing?

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