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SS #022: Marla Chapa

Skagit Realtor, Festival Organizer, Mother, Runner, Friend!

51 min / Published

Marla Chapa is a local Skagit realtor that has more irons in the fire than I do (I know, that’s hard to believe). I always feel drawn to people who hustle, and Marla’s no exception. She’s has three kids, works hard at her realty business (who also supports Homes for Heroes), promotes her network called Skagit Social and is in the midst of planning a festival called Skagit Bigfoot Fest. The Festival has some amazing music coming to it's stages and I'll hopefully be recording with a few of them over the summer. I'll be at the Festival too with some mics to record local stories. I can't wait and am so thankful to Marla for giving me this opportunity. She's a busy woman but came over for a couple of hours to chat with me and we had a great time. If you need to sell or buy a home, contact Marla and tell her about her awesome episode!

See the links below for some of the things we chatted about:

Tessa McIlraith's Mental Health Program for young athletes: Beyond the Grind
Micheal Dayvid! Episode 20 on this pod, a great musician and a friend.
Cascade Cody! I'm recording with him this week (6/27) so his episode will be out soon (Also great musician and a friend).
Bellingham Bay Marathon - Sept 24th (5K, 10K, and a Half too!)
Eagle Haven Winery (they always have great acts - comedy, live music, and markets!)

I actually didn't talk about Zach Michaud very much, except in the intro, but because I'm the president of the Sedro Woolley chapter of the Zach Michaud Fan Club, I need to remind you go to listen to his new album that I listen to often:  The D is Silent on Spotify
Buy some merch so we can match! He plays a lot so check out his fb page for his rad posters and go see a show.

Love my intro song? Check out Clay Work. He is incredibly talented. He also hosts Trivia at Lyman Tavern on Tuesdays, and at District Brewing on Wednesdays. 

Send me a message through our IG account: Skagit Storytellers. If you have a question, maybe I'll answer it in my intro, or if you have a comment, maybe I'll mention that too.

Check out all of our books and merch here: www.linktr.ee/lizrankin
If you're in Concrete, Olive's books can be purchased at the Concrete Liquor Store, and if you're in Mount Vernon, she has books available at Ristretto Coffee Lounge. Otherwise, visit the link above and you can order our books through Amazon.

Disclaimer: Skagit Storytellers is a personal podcast and any views and opinions belong only to the host (or guests) and do not represent views and opinions of people, institutions or organizations that the host (or guests) may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated.

Skagit Storytellers
A podcast by Liz Duffy
Tell me your story, make me laugh, or play music.

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