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SS #023: Cascade Cody

Americana Folk Singer & Proud Mustache Owner

1 hr 21 min / Published

Cascade Cody (aka Cody Jordan) is a fantastic folk singer / songwriter who's recently moved to our area from the eastside of Washington State. Cody has a way with words, so it was no surprise to me when he shared his varied artistic past (you have to listen, it's a little shocking too!). I cannot wait for his new album to come out on Spotifiy, but more than that, I can't wait for his album release party at the Hub. Cody also has a huge heart, which is very evident in this episode. He spends half the time applauding the talents of people around him. He is as genuine as they come and I'm so incredibly thankful that our paths have crossed. We also read some poems on the episode, something I haven't done yet, and I want to do it again. Thanks Cody!

Join us upriver on Friday, August 4th for Cody's party! He has only been playing this style of music for a few years and he's really good at it. The Hub in Concrete is a 100 year old tavern that is all ages and will be packed, so be sure to come early (Gretchen from Episode 21 is playing at 5:30!) and Cody will kick off his set at 8pm. The Hub has great pub food, and if you get to Concrete before 7pm, Act One, the ice cream parlor just a few steps away, will be open. There also will be some other special guests stopping by.

See the links below for some of the things we chatted about:

Cascade Cody on Spotify
Guest co-hosting "Nothing, set in Concrete" with Jack on KSVU.org - Thursday at 6pm - 8pm (or 90.1 on the Fm dial if you're upriver)
Concrete Fly in - July 14 - 16

We talked about Zach a lot in this episode, and, because I'm the president of the Sedro Woolley chapter of the Zach Michaud Fan Club, I need to remind you go to listen to his new album that I listen to often:  The D is Silent on Spotify
Buy some merch so we can match! He plays a lot so check out his fb page for his rad posters and go see a show.

Love my intro song? Check out Clay Work. He is incredibly talented. He also hosts Trivia at Lyman Tavern on Tuesdays, and at District Brewing on Wednesdays. 

Send me a message through our IG account: Skagit Storytellers. If you have a question, maybe I'll answer it in my intro, or if you have a comment, maybe I'll mention that too.

Check out all of our books and merch here: www.linktr.ee/lizrankin
If you're in Concrete, Olive's books can be purchased at the Concrete Liquor Store, and if you're in Mount Vernon, she has books available at Ristretto Coffee Lounge. Otherwise, visit the link above and you can order our books through Amazon.

Disclaimer: Skagit Storytellers is a personal podcast and any views and opinions belong only to the host (or guests) and do not represent views and opinions of people, institutions or organizations that the host (or guests) may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated.

This episode is part of the Musicians series
Skagit Storytellers
A podcast by Liz Duffy
Tell me your story, make me laugh, or play music.

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